

40th anniversary of Humanitarian Assistance in a chaotic world
February 3, 2012 | News

40th anniversary of Humanitarian Assistance in a chaotic world

Seminario Intercultural 10 –Doctors without Borders: 40 years of Independent Humanitarian Assistance Lecturers: Mila Font, Xavier Casero & Jordi Calvo (January 18th, 2012) «Médicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) cumple 40 años, pero tiene poco que celebrar: el conflicto en Yemen o la crisis en Somalia, el trato inhumano dispensado por Europa a los civiles que huyen […]

Challenges of Humanitarian Assistance in Somalia
February 3, 2012 | News

Challenges of Humanitarian Assistance in Somalia

Seminario Intercultural 4 – Cultivar un futuro mejor: Justicia alimentaria en un mundo con recursos limitados (Intermón-Oxfam) Lecturer: Fernando Contreras (October 26th, 2011) “‘Better dying of hunger than accept any help from Western countries’[1]: challenges of Humanitarian Assistance in Somalia” Ils n’ont jamais vu la pluie Ils ne savent même plus sourire Ils n’y a […]