
Taliban Takeover: 2 Years On
August 18, 2023 | Afghanistan, Feminist Security Studies, Gender, War

Taliban Takeover: 2 Years On

August 15, 2023, marked two years of the Taliban takeover. And with it, everyday attacks against “all manifestations of humanity, freedom and democracy”. In fact, since August 15, 2021, the United Nations has reported a “progressive exclusion of women and girls from the public sphere and their institutionalized, systematic oppression” in Afghanistan. And this has […]

40th anniversary of Humanitarian Assistance in a chaotic world
February 3, 2012 | News

40th anniversary of Humanitarian Assistance in a chaotic world

Seminario Intercultural 10 –Doctors without Borders: 40 years of Independent Humanitarian Assistance Lecturers: Mila Font, Xavier Casero & Jordi Calvo (January 18th, 2012) «Médicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) cumple 40 años, pero tiene poco que celebrar: el conflicto en Yemen o la crisis en Somalia, el trato inhumano dispensado por Europa a los civiles que huyen […]

Challenges of Humanitarian Assistance in Somalia
February 3, 2012 | News

Challenges of Humanitarian Assistance in Somalia

Seminario Intercultural 4 – Cultivar un futuro mejor: Justicia alimentaria en un mundo con recursos limitados (Intermón-Oxfam) Lecturer: Fernando Contreras (October 26th, 2011) “‘Better dying of hunger than accept any help from Western countries’[1]: challenges of Humanitarian Assistance in Somalia” Ils n’ont jamais vu la pluie Ils ne savent même plus sourire Ils n’y a […]